Growing up on Lake Manitou in Rochester, Indiana fueled my interest in hunting at a young age. Duck hunting quickly became a passion of mine and somewhere around the age of 16 I started mounting my own birds. After graduating from The Northwest Taxidermy and Freeze Dry School I became a full time taxidermist and for the next 10 years I was lucky enough to mount game heads and birds from around the world. In 1995 my wife asked if I would take over the administration duties of her decorative sign business. That eventually turned into traveling the United States and keeping me very busy for the next 20 years. During that time I continued doing taxidermy for myself when I was able to find the time to hunt. Recently I have been approached by many people wanting me to get back into taxidermy and mount their birds. So I have decided to start this taxidermy journey again but this time I will stick with my passion of mounting birds only.
Hopefully, I can be of service to you as well.
Good Hunting! Doug Anderson
Goose Pond Taxidermy
120 East 450 North, Rochester, IN 46975
Doug@rtcol.com or Text 574-835-4086